Smart Landscape at the Amálie presented at the introductory project seminar

On September 21, 2022 in Prague, the concept of Smart Landscape at the Amálie location was presented to the widest domestic professional public by researchers and inestigators from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences CZU and partner organizations. The lecturers introduced the participants not only to the realities of the Amálie school farm site, to the facts about climate change, to the implemented and currently ongoing activities in the area spaning hundreds of hectares, but also, for example, to the possibilities of financing measures in the landscape from the Czech Ministry of the Environment. Thanks to the event, dozens of attendees learned about the goals and results of two parallel projects - "Amálie Pilot Farm" financed by the Rago call from Norwegian Funds and "Polyfunctional system of autonomously regulated water reservoirs and wetland systems", which received support from The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, Ekoinovace call.

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