Archiv aktualit
Agroforestry improvements with the participation of students - PHOTO GALLERY
The field trip took place on November 10, 2023

A new article from research on differences in forest soil moisture regimes
The article in the European Journal of Forest Research is online

Drought theme at the Ji.hlava festival
Hydrologist Václav Hradilek as a guest of the Inspiration Forum

Sustainability experts visited Amálie within the AquaConSoil conference
The excursion took place on September 15, 2023

Testing the reach of 5G networks on Amalia fulfilled its purpose
Construction of a new transmitter is in full swing

Smart Landscape at the Amálie presented at the introductory project seminar
The professional public meeting took place on September 21, 2022

Hydropedological activities on Amalia
We expanded the monitoring of soil and surface parameters in the forest area and measured soil infiltration
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