The project plan is focused on the implementation of selected innovative measures in the pilot area of the Amálie locality. The measures implemented by the project are developed within the framework of the Smart Landscape concept of the Czech University of Agriculture. The measures are aimed at supporting the existing ecosystems and the development of biodiversity in the cultural landscape, which is negatively affected not only by agricultural but also by anthropogenic activities in general. In particular, it is a set of measures aimed at minimising the erosion of agricultural land, managing water resources taking into account climate change, promoting the representation of trees in agricultural landscapes as landscape elements (supporting non-productive functions), co-cultivation of trees and agriculture in agroforestry systems (productive functions of trees), improving the adaptation of agricultural landscapes to climate change, increasing biodiversity in agroecosystems, supporting wetland ecosystems and biodiversity of floodplains. Particular attention is paid to measures on drainage systems to minimise their negative impacts in relation to ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. The presented project extends the innovative measures currently implemented on the Amalia pilot farm, with the aim of maximising their transferability to the Czech Republic and the wider European landscape. The aim is to implement 5 innovative measures on the pilot area of the ČZU - Amálie leading to landscape adaptation to adverse effects of climate change, ecosystem support and biodiversity growth. (1) Decision support system of DSS; (2) Measures to use drainage water; (3) Establishment of two types of agroforestry systems; (4) Application of soil conservation management systems; (5) Measures to promote biodiversity and improve ecosystem condition, including a solar pumping system from a small reservoir.
Title: Amálie Pilot Farm - application of the Smart Landscapes concept
Number: 3211100014
Recipient of the project: CZU Prague
Partner: VÚMOP v.v.i.
Provider: Norské fondy, SFŽP
Project leader: Petr Máca
Programme name: RAGO
Budget of project: 25 990 200 CZK, Budget of CZU: 15 000 000 CZK