Agroforestry at the Amálie University Farm

As part of the Smart Landscape project implemented with the support of Norwegian Funds implemented on the Amálie University Farm, preparations began for the establishment of two agroforestry systems: (i) silvoarable - line tree planting on arable land and (ii) silviculture - scattered tree planting on pasture. Three grass belts with a width of 5 m were established on a plot of arable land with an area of 1.5 ha, on which forest and fruit trees will be planted in the autumn in the total density of 100 trees per ha. The effect of line planting on reducing erosion and insect biodiversity will be monitored on this plot. Tree species will also be planted in the autumn on an area of 0.8 ha. The basic design of planting was carried out and the types of woody plants were selected (high trunk of fruit trees and forest tree shoots).

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